The Rod of Mercury
by Brinkley H. Stein
The opinion of Aristotle, that philosophy came to the Greeks from the Gauls and not from the Greeks to the Gauls is very striking - Godfrey Higgins (Celtic Druids)
...there is an island in the ocean over against Gaul, (as big as Sicily) under the arctic pole, where the Hyperboreans inhabit; so called, because they lie beyond the breezes of the north wind. That the soil here is very rich, and very fruitful; and the climate temperate, insomuch as there are two crops in the year. They say that Latona was born here, and therefore, that they worship Apollo above all other gods; and because they are daily singing songs in praise of this god, and ascribing to him the highest honours, they say that these inhabitants demean themselves, as if they were Apollo's priests, who has there a stately grove and renowned temple, of a round form, beautified with many rich gifts. That there is a city likewise consecrated to this god, whose citizens are most of them harpers, who, playing on the harp, chant sacred hymns to Apollo in the temple, setting forth his glorious acts - Diodorus Siculus (Greek Historian)
Diodorus Siculus states "the Hyperborean island was governed by a family called Boreades...and Vallency says "The magistrates of Ireland were often called Boreadhas."
Ace, An, On French the circlet was the Anneau as in our word Annual. Anna, the girl's name, means grace or graceful, and An was the name of the Irish historical church. The Celtic word for Ass (Ace) is Ane, and the symbol for the church was the Ass. may be concluded that the religion of An was very old, it may have originated in Ireland, it is connected to Christianity...correlating An with Mary, for both were goddesses of the sea, or of seagoing mariners, An may have been the goddess of prehistoric mariners who established gardens in all parts of the world.
The Cross Higgins states in his Celtic Druids, "The form of the great temple at Loch Bernera (on the Isle of Lewis), chief Isle of the Hebrides (Scotland) is that of a cross...its form nearly that of a Roman cross or crucifix." Pillars In Galatians 2-9 "And when James, Cephas, and John who seemed to be pillars." This and many similar passages can only be interpreted as instances of Druid, a pillar of the church is the same as an ancient Druid
The Beehive England was termed the "Bee Country" in myth. Western Origin of Hermes Funk and Wagnalls' Standard Dictionary describes Hermod as the son of Odin and a messenger of the gods...Hermod and Hermes are the same. Delanach (Druid Fire/Weaponry) Smith's History of the Druids, reads "Among the Arcana of nature which our Druids were acquainted with, there are many presumptive, if not positive proofs for placing the art of making gunpowder, or artificial thunder and lightning; though like other mysteries they kept it secret.
American Fasces
This symbol appears on the United States dime....the Latin translation of axe is Securis. The axe symbolized the security of the State of Rome. The Axe The sacred Axe was the universal symbol, and illustrates the underlying unity of the Priesthood. |
The word Axe was eventually shortened to the familiar letter X, found on innumerable friezes, emblems and products. Flags also represent the blade of the priestly Axe. Astro-theologically, the axe symbol may derive from the orbit of the planet Venus (originally a fierce destructive comet) which once "crossed" the orbital path of the Earth. Many calendars were based on the orbit of Venus, the Morning Star. Since Venus was "the Horned One," and known as "Lucifer," both the axe and cross double as symbols of Lucifer. This holds for the British flag, known deceptively as St. George's Cross. This may also be the reason why physical crossroad points were considered spiritually malefic and hazardous. (Here for more...)
Why should the beautiful Morning Star, called Lucifer, the Light Bearer, live in the imagination of peoples as an evil power, a fallen star? - Immanuel Velikovsky When in advance and rising before dawn it (Venus) receives the name of Lucifer, as being another Sun and bringing the dawn, whereas when it shines after sunset, it is named Vesper as prolonging the daylight, or as deputy for the Moon - Pliny (Natural History) |
The Celts termed their Axe "the Celt" or "Kelt." Moses' Brazen Standard In the Book of Numbers we read: Then the Lord said to Moses, "Make a snake and mount it on a pole. When anyone who is bitten looks at it, he will live." (Numbers 21:8) Does this refer to a powerful weapon which was put on display for the weary, fearful people, by the priests, to ensure their continuing favor and confidence, showing that their enemies will be defeated? Do those "bitten" by doubt and fear have their morale restored? Contantine's New Druidism In Constantine's time the sacred groves of the Druids were cut down, Druid priesrs were slaughtered in numbers on the island of Mona. |