Recent Discoveries Confirming
the Irish Origins of Civilization
Was there a super-advanced culture in prehistory? If not, how can it be that the supposedly unsophisticated people of Stone Age Britain possessed a fully-integrated system of measurement based on a deep understanding of the solar system?
Civilization One, by Alan Butler and Christopher Knight.
In Appendix III, entitled The Minoan Civilization of Crete, I present a few passages from the book The Knights Templar Revealed, by Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe. The passages deal with the so-called "Megalithic Yard," a measurement used by ancient Western adepts when laying out and constructing innumerable sacred sites (stone circles, dolmens, cairns, raths, barrows, tumuli, and so on) throughout Britain and Europe.
The first man to rediscover this important measurement was Scottish engineer Professor Alexander Thom. In 1955, he recorded his discoveries in his books Stonehenge; Stonehenge as a Possible Lunar Observatory, and A Statistical Examination of Megalithic Sites in Britain. |
Thom's hard scientific discoveries confirm the researches of Anna Wilkes, Comyns Beaumont and Conor MacDari, and confirm beyond all possible doubt the West to East migration of the elements of civilization.
Summarizing the mystery surrounding British megaliths, Thom wrote:
Summarizing the mystery surrounding British megaliths, Thom wrote:
It is remarkable that 1000 years before the earliest mathematicians of classical Greece, people in these islands not only had a practical knowledge of geometry and were capable of setting out elaborate geometrical designs but could also set out ellipses based on Pythagorean triangles - (Megalithic Sites in Britain, 1968)
Explaining the anomaly of the Megalithic Yard, he wrote:
This unit was in use from one end of Britain to the other. It is not possible to detect by statistical examination any differences between the values determined in the English and Scottish circles. There must have been a headquarters from which the standard rods (a rod could be of two types but in this context they are pieces of wood cut to represent the Megalithic Yard) were sent out...The length of rods in Scotland cannot have differed from that in England by more than 0.03 inch (0.762 mm) ore the difference would have shown up. If each small community had obtained the length by copying the rod from its neighbour to the south the accumulated error would have been much greater than this - (Megalithic Sites in Britain)
Since Professor Thom's time the investigators Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe have discovered additional information about the widespread application of the Megalithic Yard. Crucially, they have also discovered that its origins were in the far West. Their seminal discoveries serve to strengthen our own theories concerning the West to East movement of the elements of civilization which unfortunately these authors do not consider or address in their otherwise fine works.
The megalithic yard is much older...and was certainly in use in Britain as early as 3500 BC, at which time the Minoan civilization was still a full thousand years short of its ultimate emergence. Since there is little or no evidence of the existence of the megalithic system within central or southern Europe, the inference must surely be that the Minoan civilization ultimately responded to ideas that had originated further West - Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)
In 2004, Alan Butler went to work with Christopher Knight, and together they authored an excellent book on the significance of the Megalithic Yard. In this book, entitled Civilization One: The World Is Not As You Thought It Was, Butler and Knight successfully demolish the long accepted fallacies concerning the primitivism of ancient man. They write:
Generations of investigators have assumed that stone circles and other prehistoric monuments were built for some unknown pagan ritualistic purposes by otherwise unsophisticated Stone Age tribes...The evidence of Thom's Megalithic Yard has demolished any notion of the naivety of its creators assumed by most archaeologists. We have to respect these forgotten people for the great astronomers and geometricians they certainly were.
It seems that there must have been a Civilization One; an advanced people who trained the rest of the world in science and technology, thereby leading it out of the Stone Age. The builders of the Stone Age monuments of the British Isles used a unit of length that was defined to one ten-thousandth of a millimeter. That unit is fundamental to the Sun, Moon, and Earth. Dr Michael Rappenglueck of the University of Munich has shown how a 16,000-year-old drawing of a horse in the caves of Lascaux in France is actually a carefully recorded Lunar calendar. ...Alan's previous research had led him to believe that the Megalithic Yard was, and is, a "geodetic" unit. This means that it was derived from the geometry of the Earth itself - specifically, it was based on the polar circumference of the planet. After studying evidence from the Minoan culture that had developed on the Mediterranean island of Crete some 4,300 years ago, Alan had concluded that the Minoan astronomer-priests had regarded a circle as having 366 degrees rather than 360 degrees that we use today. The evidence also suggested that the Megalithic culture of Britain had done the same...there are 366 rotations of the Earth in a year. A sidereal day is the time it takes for one revolution of the planet, measured by observing a star returning to the same point in the heavens on two consecutive nights...This sidereal day, or rotation period, is 236 seconds shorter than a mean solar day, and over the year these lost seconds add up to exactly one extra day, giving a year of just over 366 sidereal days...In short, anyone who gauged the turning of the Earth by watching the stars would know full well that the planet turns a little over 366 times in a year...If they considered each complete turn of the Earth to be one degree of the great circle of heaven...they would also logically accept that there are 366 degrees in a circle. |
Of course, the sophistication of ancient Westerners, particularly in construction, has been noted by many antiquarians and open-minded laymen. Close observers soon stand aghast as the high level of astronomical sophistication:
The megalithic stone circles were used for the most delicate lunar observations. Alexander Thom, a British civil engineer who measured hundreds of megalithic sites, believes that all the impressive alignments in Britain were lunar...The great 60-foot-high menhir near Carnac, in Brittany (the Breton coast of northwest France), when viewed from other megalithic sites, acted as a marker of extreme positions in the moon’s orbit. And this lunar-observatory stone dates from four thousand years ago - Monica Sjoo (The Great Cosmic Goddess)
Butler and Knight prove that the Megalithic Yard was used by many cultures throughout the world. It has been found in Crete and was certainly employed by that island's two cultures, the Minoan and Mycenaean. These cultures influenced the ancient Greeks who also employed the Megalithic Yard measurement. The Indo-Aryans from Northern India employed a unit of measurement called the "gaz." It too was based on the Megalithic Yard. Of the connections between the Indus Valley civilizations of India and the Western lands of Britain, the authors write:
There is no evidence that we are aware of that gives a precise measure for the gaz but we know it was very close to the Megalithic Yard, which was still in use in Britain when the earliest Indus Valley cities were established. Could international communications have been so advanced as to allow a southern Asian culture to take its measurement system from the Megalithic builders of the western fringes of Europe? Or is it more likely that all the ancient cultures we have looked at had the same teachers? Could an otherwise unknown group of super-scientists, that we have dubbed 'Civilization One' have trained indigenous peoples around the world to accelerate global civilization.
The authors discovered that the ancient Megalithic builders were aware of the Pi and Phi ratios:
We found that the Megalithic numbers produced circles that combined the mathematical ratios known as pi and phi. Both are irrational numbers yet they produced results that are so close to being perfect as to be negligible. In our investigation we found that an American PhD student had discovered the existence of phi in Thom's data back in the early 1970s - a fact confirmed by the great man himself when he described the finding as "magical."
The authors also discovered that the Megalithic Yard, employed in ancient stone circles, was a measurement certainly based not only on the dimensions of the earth, but also of the moon and sun:
We looked at the circumference of the Moon and found that it conforms to Megalithic geometry with precisely 100 Megalithic Yards to a lunar second of arc. Then we found that the Sun also conforms to Megalithic geometry with 40,000 Megalithic Yards to a second of arc.
Butler and Knight are aware of how the vast majority of established academics would react to such radical ideas as put forward in their work. They write:
Vocalizing thee ideas would be highly dangerous for any academic who values his career and peer-group esteem. In academia, only the world of quantum physics has learned that reality is far, far stranger than any science fiction could ever imagine.
I highly recommend the books The Knights Templar Revealed, by Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe, and Civilization One, by Alan Butler and Christopher Knight, particularly because of the information concerning Professor Alexander Thom and the Megalithic Yard. We believe that the amazing discoveries made by these authors are but a small example of the mathematical and geometric expertise possessed by our ancient forebears, particularly those of the Western hemisphere. As the years go by we know that more discoveries concerning the technical and spiritual advancement of prediluvian man will be made.
Even more extraordinary discoveries about Stonehenge, Avebury and the Giza Pyramid have been made by author and researcher Ralph Ellis. His theories on the geometry involved in these enigmatic sites, and the mathematically advanced culture which erected them, strongly support the West to East migration of the elements of civilization (Here for more...)
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Evidence in Stone
About 50,000 menhirs still exist in Ireland, Great Britain, and Brittany, while another 1,200 are found across northwestern France alone. Of Northern Europe’s original 50,000 standing stones, only 10,000 survived Christian attempts to eradicate them all - Frank Joseph (Before Atlantis)
There were the barrows in northern Germany which the natives thought were altar-stones or treasure-chambers of mythical giants. There were the Danish dolmens, there were megalithic structures in North Africa, Palestine, India, and on the South Sea Islands. And it was inconceivable that the Druids should be responsible for them all - Herbert Wendt (It Began in Babel, 1958) |
There is an abundance of legends and traditions concerning the passage of the Irish into America, and their habitual communication with that continent many centuries before the time of Columbus. We should bear in mind that Ireland was colonized by the Phoenicians...An Irish Saint named Vigile, who lived in the eighth century, was accused by Pope Zachary of having taught heresies on the subject of the antipodes. At first he wrote to the pope in reply to the charge, but afterward he went to Rome in person to justify himself, and there be proved to the pope that the Irish had been accustomed to communicate with a transatlantic world - Ignatius Donnelly
Above we see Thornborough Henges in Yorkshire England. Over 5,500 years old, the site predates the Egyptian Pyramids. The entire area was sacred to the ancient Megalithic People, and the henges are perfectly astronomically aligned.
Thornborough was a sacred landscape, a place of religious worship, and we should try to interpret these astronomical orientations within that context...Neolithic people surely felt they were at the centre of the very cosmos as they worshipped the heavens above - Dr Jan Harding (Archaeologist)

According to legends the massive stones of Stonehenge were brought to Salisbury Plain from Naase (Naas) in County Kildare, Ireland. Stonehenge is part of a vast network of Druidic sites throughout Britain and Northern France. Like Newgrange in Ireland, Stonehenge was part of a much larger complex in and around Salisbury Plain. Corpses have been found nearby over 6 feet tall. Desperate attempts have been made to make Stonehenge's construction appear historically later than it was. This strategy supports the claims of those advocating the East to West movement of the elements of civilization. Importantly, there were at least two major land bridges which connected Ireland and England to Europe, and possibly to France. In such a case, the notion of countries we know and recognize topographically and geographically as "Ireland," "England," and "France," etc, would have been inconsequential. Ancient man did not acknowledge such divisions. His Mesolithic and Megalithic constructions are to be found in several regions, in several countries. The ley lines, salt lines, and "dragon-paths" are also not limited to one region or country. They are extensive and crisscross over vast areas of Britain and Europe. The existence of the land bridges (now proven to have existed by geologist Ulf Erlingsson) decimate the nonsensical ideas that have been espoused for centuries concerning the impossibility of the West to East movement of civilization. (Here and Here for more...)
Jacob woke from his sleep and said 'Truly the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it…How fearsome is this place! This is no other than the house of God, this is the gate of heaven - (Genesis 28: 16-17)
Newgrange (Gaelic "Bru na Boinne") is one of the oldest megalithic structures in the world, predating the Egyptian pyramids. The tumulus stands with two similar cairns in Country Meath Ireland. Perfectly aligned to the Winter Solstice, it is built without cement in a manner never duplicated or understood. It stands near to the Boyne River, named after the goddess Boann. Newgrange is connected with several major Irish heroes, particularly Midir and Aengus. In modern times the many massive base stones were deliberately turned face inwards to obscure their highly detailed astronomical inscriptions and etchings. The famous triskellion of three spirals exists within the center of the cairn. Within the structure is a small room into which, on the three days of the Winter Solstice, a thin beam of sunlight penetrates for 17 seconds. The light falls within a few inches of the symbol of the three spirals. These spirals may represent the pregnancy period of nine months. The megalith itself thereby representing the womb of the earth mother Eri or Danu. This anomaly is a analogy of the spiritual light (wisdom) entering into the purified mind of man. The inner chamber of the cairn is cross-shaped. The cross was worshiped throughout the world long before the advent of Judeo-Christianity. Modern engineers are baffled as to Newgrange's construction and are unable to emulate its modeling. Astronomers are perplexed as to how beams of sunlight and moonlight still precisely enter through the tiny portal above the main entrance after 5,000 years. The true "Stone of Bethel" ("stone of the house of god"), mentioned in the Old Testament, stands in front of the cairn's main entrance. It was this mysterious Megalithic Race (the Arya or Elders), the ancestors of the Gaels and Celts, who were responsible for Newgrange, the nearby twin sites of Knowth and Dowth, the Stonehenge complex, Avebury, Carnac, and the thousands of other cyclopean chambers, cairns, mounds, monuments, tumuli, and ley lines which network Europe and the world.
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas theorize that Enoch was living at the time the earliest megalithic structures were being created in the British Isles. Knight and Lomas suggest that from a detailed description in the Book of Enoch one of the sites to which the Watchers brought Enoch could only have been the passage grave of Newgrange, in Ireland – Alan Butler (America: Nation of the Goddess)
When the Christians assaulted the Osirian temple at Alexandria, and with destructive force entered its sacred precincts, they saw a huge cross occupying the marble pavement. Great, too, was the surprise of the Spaniards to find the same emblem in the temples of aboriginal America. The Tau or Cross meets one's view in the ornamental relics of many lands...The Spaniards saw the Indians bowing to the cross in worship. It has been found on the breasts of statuettes from the Indian cemetery of Jingalpa, Nicaragua, of unknown antiquity. Tablets of gypsum, in Mexico, bore it in the form of that cross adopted by the Knights in Malta. The Peruvians and Babylonians had the Maltese cross. The Druids were said to have made their cross of the stem and two branches of the oak. - James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894) ...the early craftsmanship and constructions from the Old Kingdom are the finest, and the quality of and dimensions of each monument reduces then on throughout the following millennia...there were a number of magnificent monuments that were made during mankind's early megalithic era. These include monuments as diverse as Stonehenge and Avebury in England, Teotihuacan in Mexico, Chou-Chou in Manchuria, Hagar Qim in Malta, Baalbek in Lebanon, Ephyra in Greece, Cuzco in Peru, Giza in Egypt, and the Osireion at Abydos. Despite the geographic diversity of these monuments, they all share some common features - they were built in the prehistoric era; they were all associated with religious centers; they were all made from megalithic architecture; they were mostly exquisitely carved and manufactured (often bafflingly so); and last but certainly not least, all of these monuments were utterly devoid of inscription...The granite megaliths carved into a giant jigsaw puzzle at Cuzco, and the 1,000 tonne bricks that were being used as Baalbek, would stretch any modern stone mason's imagination and skills to their limits....these temples were not dedicated to any one particular monarch, nor to any one particular god. They were, instead, dedicated to the observation and the study of the Universe - Ralph Ellis (Eden in Egypt) |
I believe I now point to the stronghold prepared as the last standing place of the Fir Bolg Aborigines of Ireland, to fight their last battle if driven to the western surge - Sir William Wilde (father of Oscar Wilde)
Dun Aengus: On the cliffs of the Aran (from "Aryan") Islands at Inishmore, on the Atlantic ocean, this fort is believed to have been constructed by the ancient Fir Bolg race, although this site may have been laid upon an earlier site. This frequently mistranslated name of Fir Bolg means "the Men of Wisdom." The Fir Bolg (worshipers of the ocean goddess Domnu) were one of the first "Celtic" tribes dominate Ireland. Recent DNA studies show that Ireland was NOT visited and colonized by Eastern invaders as historians have long enjoyed claiming. The first migrations to Ireland occurred over 6,000 years ago and were not from the Eastern lands. According to myth the Fir Bolg constructed this fortress on the cliff's edge because for them it was either win in battle or die fighting. Surrender was not part of the deal. No one has a clue how the stones were moved and placed
The massive Avebury Serpent Mound of 2000 BC. This ancient earthwork should leave one in no doubt as to the identity of the builders of the great Ohio Serpent Mound in America. The "Mound Builders," like the Anasazi, were Irish. Irish artifacts and jewelry have repeatedly been discovered within these chambers and earthworks. Scholars such as Augustus Le Plongeon and Barry Fell, who established the "Celtic" presence in the Americas, have had their works suppressed. Nevertheless, Stonehenge, Newgrange, Avebury, Carnac, and the Glastonbury Tor and Zodiac, are but a few of hundreds if not thousands of cyclopean marvels throughout Britain.
Near Loch Nell or Argyll Scotland, is a serpentine mound 300 feet long. The Gaelic word signifies the Lake of Swans, and the appellation suggests the name of Nila Sarasvati, whose chariot is drawn by Swans...The hillock faces three of the five peaks of the holy mountain Ben Cruachan. On the mound at the head of the symbolic Serpent...and legend associates it with the burial-place of Ossian - Dorothea Chaplain (Matter, Myth, and Spirit, or Celtic and Hindu Links, 1935)
The Nuragic Civilization of Sardinia: In the Stone Age the island was inhabited by people who had arrived there in the Palaeolithic and Neolithic ages from several parts of Europe and the Mediterranean area. The most ancient settlements have been discovered both in Gallura and central Sardinia; later several cultures developed in the island, such as the Ozieri culture. The economy was based on agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing and trading with the mainland. Remains from this period include more than 2,400 hypogeum tombs called Domus de Janas, the 4th millennium BC statue menhirs representing warriors or female figures, and the stepped pyramid of Monte d'Accoddi, near Sassari, which has some similarities with the monumental complex of Los Millares (Andalusia) and the later Talaiots in the Balearic Islands. According to some scholars, the similarity between this structure and Mesopotamian ones is due to migrations, especially of Sumerian people, to the Western Mediterranean. During this period copper objects and weapons also appeared in the island.o edit. (Here and Here for more...)

Archeologists have found a carved python as tall as a man and 20 feet long inside a cave in the remote hills of the Kalahari Desert of Botswana, and they say it is proof that humans were performing rituals 70,000 years ago. Prior to the recent discovery scientists had thought human intelligence had not evolved the capacity to perform group rituals until perhaps 40,000 years ago.
The remote region of Botswana called Tsodilo Hills is the only uplifted area for miles around.
Modern San People call it the "Mountains of the Gods"...According to their legend, mankind descended from the python...That legend made the discovery of the stone python all the more amazing. (Here for more...)
The remote region of Botswana called Tsodilo Hills is the only uplifted area for miles around.
Modern San People call it the "Mountains of the Gods"...According to their legend, mankind descended from the python...That legend made the discovery of the stone python all the more amazing. (Here for more...)
The play of sunlight over the indentations gave them the appearance of snake skin. At night, the firelight gave one the feeling that the snake was actually moving...Our find means that humans were more organized and had the capacity for abstract thinking at a much earlier point in history than we have previously assumed...All of the indications suggest that Tsodilo has been known to mankind for almost 100,000 years as a very special place in the pre-historic landscape - Sheila Coulson (University of Oslo)
The Step Pyramid of King Djoser at the Necropolis of Saqqara: is one of the oldest burial sites in the world, featuring the oldest step-pyramid in the world, and one of the oldest pyramidical structures anywhere. The Saqqara ruins can be traced back to the time of the First Dynasty, over 5,000 years ago. Including Djoser's pyramid, there are another 16 pyramids in the necropolis, and there are numerous other mastabas (underground burial chambers) on the site.
The name Saqqara or Sakkara comes from Saca, which referred to Indo-Europeans. It primarily referred to the Scythians, but may have referred to even more ancient Irish settlers of Egypt. The term Saca is also the origin of the word Saxon. It referred not to "bow men" but to "Stag Men," that is, to worshipers of the Stag God Herne, similar to the Egyptian Thoth and Greek Hermes. In Egyptian the word for stag was ayir, which connotes the "Arya," or wise-ones. The symbol of the stag, like that of the lion and unicorn, can still be seen on royal heraldry. Certainly, the stag has been depicted on the most ancient wall art, and mentioned in the earliest Bardic poetry, like that of Amergin who described himself as a "stag of seven horns." The stag god of Britain, France and Scandinavia was often rendered Hu Gadam, Cernunnos, and also as Herne. The Grecian Hermes was derived from this earlier god. Clearly the lord of stags was connected to everlasting cycles, underworld traversals, fertility, physical skill and shamanic power. In Norse mythology four stags were believed to live in the great tree of life known as Yggdrasil. Indeed the word deer is not a million miles away from der which (like dar and dru) connotes the Druids.
The name Saqqara or Sakkara comes from Saca, which referred to Indo-Europeans. It primarily referred to the Scythians, but may have referred to even more ancient Irish settlers of Egypt. The term Saca is also the origin of the word Saxon. It referred not to "bow men" but to "Stag Men," that is, to worshipers of the Stag God Herne, similar to the Egyptian Thoth and Greek Hermes. In Egyptian the word for stag was ayir, which connotes the "Arya," or wise-ones. The symbol of the stag, like that of the lion and unicorn, can still be seen on royal heraldry. Certainly, the stag has been depicted on the most ancient wall art, and mentioned in the earliest Bardic poetry, like that of Amergin who described himself as a "stag of seven horns." The stag god of Britain, France and Scandinavia was often rendered Hu Gadam, Cernunnos, and also as Herne. The Grecian Hermes was derived from this earlier god. Clearly the lord of stags was connected to everlasting cycles, underworld traversals, fertility, physical skill and shamanic power. In Norse mythology four stags were believed to live in the great tree of life known as Yggdrasil. Indeed the word deer is not a million miles away from der which (like dar and dru) connotes the Druids.
One of the antique names for Egypt, as recorded in the Scottish tome Scotichronicon, was Etheria, from the Egyptian Aturti. It was a word that related to the Nile. This word later became the softer sounding Aeria which bears a suggestive similarity to the ancient name of Ireland Eire...We believe that this ancient name for Egypt originated in Ireland. Egypt may have been titled "Land of the Aryans" - those from Eri, Eire, or Eria, or Aria - Michael Tsarion (The Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1)

The ruins of a massive pyramid found in Lugansk, Ukraine. The name Lugansk probably derives from the Irish sun god Lugh. Indeed, experts believe the pyramid to have been dedicated to the sun god. Interestingly, the Ukrainian pyramid dates to over 5,000 years and it predates the Egyptian pyramid by over 300 years.
It changes our whole conception of the social structure and the level of development of the cattle breeders and farmers who were the direct ancestors of most European peoples.,,,They had a pagan cult that bowed down to the sun, as did the ancestors of the Slavs - Viktor Klochko (Head of the excavation at Lugansk)
Bosnian Pyramids: A massive pyramid was discovered in Bosnia at Visocica Hill, near the town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo. It is one of five large structures in the area and has been named the "pyramid of the sun."
The area with the five massive Bosnian pyramids is honeycombed with underground tunnels. In one of the passages marking were discovered which are identical to Nordic Runes. Does this mean that Scandinavians were in Eastern Europe? And where they somehow connected to the construction of these pyramids? If they were not then how did these markings come to be there?
The area with the five massive Bosnian pyramids is honeycombed with underground tunnels. In one of the passages marking were discovered which are identical to Nordic Runes. Does this mean that Scandinavians were in Eastern Europe? And where they somehow connected to the construction of these pyramids? If they were not then how did these markings come to be there?

The Kensington Runestone is one of Minnesota's greatest mysteries. It's something that puts settlers in America well before Columbus. A Minnesota geologist thinks the controversial Kensington Runestone is the real thing and there is evidence that he says backs up the theory. (Here for more...)
Caucasian (White) mummies found in China's Tarim Basin region of modern China. They date from 3,800 years ago. Pliny, the Roman historian, referred to them as Seres a word meaning "Westerner," and also "Seer" or "Wise Ones." This word is the same as Syria (the land of the "Westerners"), and Sera, the word the Egyptians used for King or "Pharaoh." The female name Sarah, from Sarai, meaning "Princess" is also etymologically related.
From the 1st-millennium sources, ancient Chinese sources describe the existence of "white people with long hair" (The Bai people of the Shanhai Jing) on their northwestern borders. They had trade relations with them, and seemed to have purchased jade from them. There is possibility that these "Bai people" correspond to the Tarim mummies - (Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, on Tarim Mummies)

The Tocharians. For generations, the idea of Caucasian settlements in the Far East was dismissed as impossible, until the discovery of tribal peoples known as "Pazyryk" and "Tocharians." Mummies of the so-called "Tocharian" People date from 1800 BC. These were blue-eyed "Indo-Europeans" (or Indo Aryans) who lived in the Tarim Basin of China. These races inhabited the Far East 1800 years before Christ. As Indian history had always maintained, Indo-European People had lived and ruled in ancient Bactria, the Hindu Kush, and Indus Valley region of Pakistan. Remains of these people have been found in Tajikistan. These races wore tartan and the women wore skirts almost identical to those worn in northwest Europe during the Nordic Bronze Age. Individuals have been exhumed with red and blonde braided hair. According to the Mahabharata the Tocharians may have even given China its name. The "China" was a term that was used to describe the Caucasian Tocharians. (China's original name was Cathay).
No doubt a great deal more information regarding the Indo-European occupation of the Far East would be forthcoming if it had not been for generations long cover-ups.
One of the largest pyramids ever discovered outside Egypt is located in Mongolia (Northern China). This giant structure is thought to be over 5,000 years old. Suggestively, it stands in a province by the name of Aohan, which is a patently Gaelic word. In our estimation, most other pyramidical structures throughout the world (both those known and those to be discovered) will be based on Irish-Druidic knowledge which derived from the Prediluvian civilizations.
No doubt a great deal more information regarding the Indo-European occupation of the Far East would be forthcoming if it had not been for generations long cover-ups.
One of the largest pyramids ever discovered outside Egypt is located in Mongolia (Northern China). This giant structure is thought to be over 5,000 years old. Suggestively, it stands in a province by the name of Aohan, which is a patently Gaelic word. In our estimation, most other pyramidical structures throughout the world (both those known and those to be discovered) will be based on Irish-Druidic knowledge which derived from the Prediluvian civilizations.
When Victor Maire, Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and archaeologist J. P. Mallory returned from China, they told their colleagues of what they had seen: perfectly preserved 4,000 year-old mummies, desiccated by dry desert sands. Tall white women with blonde hair, pigtails and tattoos; tall white men with brown beards; tiny white babies with blue eyes; woven fabrics of tartan and bonnets made of soft dyed wool...What were Caucasians doing in the wastelands of China 4,000 years ago? - Maurice Cotterell (Jesus, King Arthur & the Journey of the Grail)
Perforated Skulls of China: The modern technology of craniotomy, a surgical operation performed on the brain through an incision in the skull, may have been in use in China nearly 3,000 years ago. Scientists made the conclusion after a detailed study of 13 perforated skulls unearthed in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. The skulls were found in a cluster of more than 2,000 ancient tombs in the desert outside Turpan, 200 kilometers east of the regional capital Urumqi, said Lu Enguo, a researcher with the Xinjiang Institute of Archeology. Lu and his colleagues also found 600 mummies in the tombs, a dozen of which are believed to have been shamans because sacks of marijuana leaves were found next to the corpses.
The best preserved mummy is a Caucasian male and about 1.2 meters long...The mummy was dressed in a leather coat, a knitted cloak, hat and boots. He wore earrings and a necklace, and held a copper laced staff in one hand and a bronze axe in the other. Three ancient harp-like string instruments were also discovered, which archaeologists believe were used by the shamans to communicate with the gods.
The best preserved mummy is a Caucasian male and about 1.2 meters long...The mummy was dressed in a leather coat, a knitted cloak, hat and boots. He wore earrings and a necklace, and held a copper laced staff in one hand and a bronze axe in the other. Three ancient harp-like string instruments were also discovered, which archaeologists believe were used by the shamans to communicate with the gods.

The Cloud People (Peru)
Over 600 years old, white embalmed mummies found in Peru go on display. Experts speculate that these remains are of Europeans. The bodies were discovered in an underground vault in the Amazon. They were given the name "The Cloud People." In North America the Hopi and Navajo referred to the ancient white visitors as the "Pahona." (Here for more...)
The Chachapoyas were a tall, fair-haired, light-skinned race that some researchers believe may have come from Europe...Little is known about them except that they were one of the more advanced ancient civilizations in the area. Adept at fighting, they commanded a large kingdom from the year 800 to 1500 that stretched across the Andes.
The oldest known solar observatory in the Americas, featuring ruins almost identical to those at Tara, and other locations, in Ireland. The complex comprises a group of 2,300-year-old structures known as the Thirteen Towers, found in the Chankillo archaeological site, Peru...
...Thirteen Towers of Chankillo run from north to south along the ridge of a low hill within the site; they are relatively well-preserved and each has a pair of inset staircases leading to the summit...This implies that you have someone special - the priests perhaps - who watched the Sun rise or set, while in the plaza next door, the crowds were feasting and could see the Sun rise, but not from that special perspective - Professor Clive Ruggles
Pedra da Gavea in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. The rock has been sculpted to resemble a sphinx-like human face, and the strange mountain top site and its carvings is thought to be of Phoenician origins. It is but one of several enigmatic sites in Brazil and South America of "unknown" origins. The builders of da Gavea are speculated to be the same people who constructed the famous Nazca lines in Peru.
It is a sphinx engraved in granite by the Phoenicians, which has the face of a man and the body of a laid animal. The tail must have fallen because of the action of time. The rock, seen from far away, has the grandeur of the Pharaonic monuments and reproduces, in one of its sides, the severe face of a patriarch - (O Globo Magazine)
The case of the Phoenician pottery in the Guanabara Bay was always treated with major secrecy and its founding was only revealed a year later, in 1978, by vague information - ibid |
Two Phoenician youths from the city of Sidon. Their features are noticeably Caucasian. The Bible refers to the king of the Phoenicians a "remnant of the giants." (See Deut 3:11.) Images used by permission from
A prehistoric map of England showing that it was connected by a land bridge to France and Europe. Scientists have to admit that England was inhabited over 200,000 years earlier to officially accepted dates. The land bridge was still in existence 3,000 years ago and its existence shows us how Irish peoples could have easily traveled to Europe in ancient times. (See Atlantis from a Geographer's Perspective, by Ulf Erlingsson)

Satellite imagery reveals ancient ruins in Syria ("Land of the Westerners"). In 2005 archaeologists discovered the remnants of intense warfare which took place in Syria approximately 3500 BC. Cities have been discovered in Syria dating back to over 5, 500 years. Aridity has left Syria looking much different than it did in ancient times. Like the Lebanon Syria was lush with forests. The Phoenicians coveted the trees of Syria and used the wood of Syrian cedars, pines, and cypresses for ship building and city construction, etc.

Etruscan Statue from Anatolia. Anatolia was a region dominated by the ancient Hittites, a Caucasian Indo-European race originally from the West. This culture is one of the oldest in Europe, going back over 7,000 years BC. The capital city of the Hittites (or "Children of Heth") was known as the "City of the Eagles." (Here for more...)

The Lion Gates stand before the great city Hittite city of Hattusha. Said to date from around 1300 BC. Information in the Bible concerning this great Indo-European tribe was designed to mislead. Great horsemen and charioteers, their monuments are akin to the Irish Megalithic variety. Originally from the Caspian Sea area, the Hittites, before racial intermixing, may have been of Irish extraction. They spoke a language called Nesa. (Here for more...)

The entrance to the labyrinth at the ancient city of Ephyra (also called Kichyro) in Greece. Nearby is the mysterious Nekromanteion, or "Oracle of the Dead." This area was mythologically connected with Hades, the Underworld. From here one entered the regions of death. This myth was probably based on the race-memory concerning the titanic upheaval and devastation that rendered the North-Western climes largely foreboding and inhospitable. The ruins clearly betray "Celtic" design. (Here for more...)

The vast stone circle at Arakaim in Russia. Built by the ancient Megalithic People, known as the Kurgan, a group related to the early Celts. The Kurgans were in fact Scythians.
A flight above Arkaim on board a helicopter gives you an incredible impression. The huge concentric circles on the valley are clearly visible. The town and its outskirts are all enclosed in the circles. We still do not know, what point the gigantic circles have, whether they were made for defensive, scientific, educational, or ritual purposes. Some researchers say that the circles were actually used as the runway for an ancient spaceport - Vadim Chernobrovy

The The Pazyryk People. Russian archaeologists have uncovered the 2000-year-old remains of a warrior preserved intact in permafrost in the Altai mountains region. The warrior was blonde and he had tattoos on his body. He was wearing a felt coat with sable fur trimmings and was buried in a wooden frame containing drawings of mythological creatures with an ice pick beside him. Local archaeologists believe the man was part of the ruling elite of a local nomadic tribe known as the Pazyryk. Numerous other Pazyryk tombs have been found in the area. (Here for more...)

St. Paul's Cathedral. This prominent and well visited Christian building stands upon Ludgate Hill where a large temple and shrine to the Gaelic sun god Lugh (Anglo-Saxon Ludd, Welsh Llew, Latin Lugos) existed in ancient times. Most prominent churches, stately homes, academic institutions, and government buildings have been deliberately geomantically constructed upon such Druidic sites of power to both benefit from their natural power and to obscure their existence. The name Romans then named the location Londinium from which we derive London. The Latin word Logos, meaning reason, intelligence, truth, or word, comes from this sun god's name. The Irish Lugh was known as Ildanach, the "Master of all the Arts." Several other place names bear the root of his name, for example, Leinster, Lyon, Leyden, and Laon. Lugh was known to the Gaels as the "Lion." He is clearly the prototype for the Indian Yudhisthira (the “Left-Handed Archer”) and for the Biblical kings Saul and David. Nearby to St. Paul's Cathedral is Ludd's Gate. The Thames River, Temple Bar (of the Templars), Fleet Street (the newspaper district), and the law courts, are not far from this sacred site. Francis Crick and his team worked on the DNA helix practically in the shadow of the Cathedral at Temple Bar which was once called Temple Church owned by the tax-exempt Knights Templar who also provided most of the liquor to London's many inns and taverns (known as "Arms"). When the kings and queens, of England's royal families, annually come into the district before the Lord Mayor of London they are handed the Sword of State. This, like most royal pageants and rites are rituals with roots in the Druidic tradition. The old word for Mayor, was Alderman, named after the Alder Tree sacred to the Druids sun priests. To this day Temple Bar is "guarded" by two winged dragons upon phallic pillars. Sculptures of this sort, especially of dragons, mark strong vortexes of earth (geomantic) energies known as Ley lines or Synchronic Lines. Most British cities are built on or near major Druidic locations, and many have Druidic names (for instance, Edinburgh, Carlisle, Belfast, Dublin, Silbury, Colchester, Dorchester, Oxford, etc.). The name Paul can be rendered Apol from Apollo, Greek god of the sun (version of Lugh). From apol we get pole - the axis of the earth, or also apple - from apolon or avalon, the Celt's mythic "Isle of the Apple Trees." The tale of Avalon, picked up by the Greeks from the Irish, became the "Garden of Hesperides" in the Hercules story. Hercules was based on the Irish god of strength Ogma.
Round Towers are a specifically Irish phenomenon. Known as "Bell Houses," towers of this kind have been found scattered parts of the world, with many destroyed to obscure their Irish origins. Those in India are not of Indian construction.
There can be no doubt the Towers in the interior of Hindostan bear more than a striking likeness to those remaining in Ireland. These resemblances are to be found in such great quantities in the latter place, that it is impossible but to believe that Ireland was the centre from which a great deal of the religion of Budh developed. This will not appear strange when we consider, in connection with the point, that many of the Saints bear Aryan and Semitic names - Anna Wilkes (Ur of the Chaldees)
As to there having been intercourses between the East and Ireland at a very ancient period of time there cannot be the slightest doubt, but that the patterns of the towers were brought from the East, westward through Europe, and into Ireland, is more than we are prepared to believe on the authority of those who have preferred St. Patrick caused more than 180 volumes of ancient Irish theology to be burned - ibid The great similarity of those towers in the interior of Hindustan to our Irish Round Towers has convinced me that....this mode of architecture was introduced into Ireland in the times of paganism…The highest part of the Tower was an observatory, intended for celestial observations, as I think evidently appears from the four windows being placed directly opposite the four cardinal points - Dr. Lanigan (Ecclesiastical History) The veneration in which the pagan Irish held the heavenly bodies, and especially the sun, must have led them to apply to astronomical pursuits, which were necessary also for determining the length of their years, the solstitial and equinoctial times, and the precise periods of their annual festivals. I find it stated that the doors of most of these towers face the west. If this be correct it will add an argument to show that they contained fire-temples, for the Magians always advanced - from the west side to worship the fire. According to this hypothesis the Round Towers existed in Ireland before churches were built. I see no reason to deny that they did, and the particular style of their, construction shows that they are very ancient. But then, it is said, how does it happen that they are usually found near old churches? In the first place, this is not universally true. Secondly, it is to be observed that these towers used to be built in towns or villages of some note, such, in fact, as required churches in Christian times. Thus, wherever there was a Round Tower, a church was afterwards erected, but not vice versa; whereas there were thousands of churches in Ireland without any such towers in the vicinity of them. Thirdly, there was a prudential motive for the teachers of Christian faith to build churches near the site of the Round Towers, that they might thereby attract their new converts to worship the true God in the very places where they had been in the practice of worshipping the sun and fire. It may be that some of those towers were built after the establishment of Christianity in Ireland for penitential purposes, as already alluded to, although I have some doubts about it; but I think it can scarcely be doubted that the original models according to which they were constructed belong to the times, of paganism, and that the singular style of architecture which we observe in them was brought from the East, between which and this country it is certain that there was an intercourse at a very ancient period of time - Dr. Lanigan (Ecclesiastical History) |
LEFT: Herne or Cernunnos was an early Irish god venerated throughout Britain, France and Europe, until almost every site dedicated to him was obliterated by Christians. He was also known as Nikor. He was the original "horned one." He was the original wearer of the Crown of Thorns (antlers). RIGHT: Pashupati or Shiva, "Lord of the Beasts," one of the oldest gods of India. The Irish traveled to India and were known there as the Arya or "Noble Ones." Evidence of the Irish influence in eastern climes (Egypt, China, and India) has been deliberately suppressed. However, satellite photography reveals settlements that once existed along the banks of great rivers such as the Saraswati. These were densely populated by white Western emigres, received by locals not as ruthless barbaric "invaders," but spiritually and technically advanced brethren. From this stock came some of India's greatest monarchs, such as Rama and Ranjit. In India, most educated and unbiased people openly speak of the coming of the Arya from the West. Several native groups in India, such as the Sikhs (or Jats), purport themselves to be the descendants of Western settlers.
Note that the Western image of Herne did not derive from the eastern image of Pashupati. It was the other way around. Therein lies the true history of races and tribes. Note that beside Herne is a stag, the Druidic symbol of divinity and royalty. The serpent is the symbol of secret wisdom and spiritual attainment. Before the Ankh, it represented immortality.
Herne was also known as Hu Gudam by the Irish Druids, and also as Cernunnos. He was connected to fertility, forests and nature, and also to the Underworld Cycle. Cernunnos was a prototype for Hermes (Mercury), Orpheus, the Green Man (Arabic El Khidr, a name for John the Baptist), for Nicor (corrupted to"Old Nick"), and for the Egyptian Sokar. We certainly agree with author Maurice Cotterell who has independently discovered, via his exemplary symbolic and astrological analysis of the famous Gunderstrup Cauldron, that Cernunnos was the prototype for Jesus Christ. Note Herne's "crown of thorns."
Note that the Western image of Herne did not derive from the eastern image of Pashupati. It was the other way around. Therein lies the true history of races and tribes. Note that beside Herne is a stag, the Druidic symbol of divinity and royalty. The serpent is the symbol of secret wisdom and spiritual attainment. Before the Ankh, it represented immortality.
Herne was also known as Hu Gudam by the Irish Druids, and also as Cernunnos. He was connected to fertility, forests and nature, and also to the Underworld Cycle. Cernunnos was a prototype for Hermes (Mercury), Orpheus, the Green Man (Arabic El Khidr, a name for John the Baptist), for Nicor (corrupted to"Old Nick"), and for the Egyptian Sokar. We certainly agree with author Maurice Cotterell who has independently discovered, via his exemplary symbolic and astrological analysis of the famous Gunderstrup Cauldron, that Cernunnos was the prototype for Jesus Christ. Note Herne's "crown of thorns."
Cernunnos is hence explicitly portrayed as Jesus on the Gunderstrup Cauldron, as he is in the Bible, which surely means that the Gunderstrup Cauldron tells, at least in part, the story of Jesus. But in c. 100 BC, the time the cauldron was manufactured, Jesus had not appeared on Earth - Maurice Cotterell (Jesus, King Arthur and the Journey of the Grail)
Three divinities have claims to be the god whom Caesar calls Dispater (supreme god) - a god with a hammer, a crouching god called Cernunnos, and a god called Esus - J. A. MacCulloch (The Religion of the Ancient Celts) |

There is a good reason why the image of Herne bears an uncanny similarity to the Templar icon Baphomet. The icon Baphomet is a version of this more ancient Irish god. The Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians, and other secret fraternities, as well as the Roman Church, are Atonist enclaves responsible for the plagiarization and acquisition of Druidic religious elements. Since the Templars did not wish it commonly known that they were the keepers of Druidic lore, the image of Herne was cleverly adapted and modified to conceal its true origins from the curious. Many of the great Templar-Merovingian elite were educated in Ireland by Culdean monks, those whose job it was to collate the knowledge appropriated from the Druids who both preceded and excelled them. These Culdeans were part of the so-called Celtic Church that eventually came into conflict with the hardline Papal Church of Rome. The conflict between these two factions of Christianity is explained in Volume One, in our chapter entitled The Occult History of Christianity.
As said, Herne was the prototype for the Grecian Herme or Hermes - keeper of wisdom and messenger of the gods. Hermes became the Roman Mercury, one of the most important gods whose symbolism can be found in every sphere of life. In the orient Herne is closest to the Dravidian Shiva and the Egyptian Set. The word Set derives from a word meaning "Stag," and the horns of Herne were those of the stag which was, along with the serpent, a sacred animal to the Druids. It was from the dawn of time considered a symbol of divinity and royalty. It is mentioned in the earliest Bardic poems, such as that of Amergin.
As said, Herne was the prototype for the Grecian Herme or Hermes - keeper of wisdom and messenger of the gods. Hermes became the Roman Mercury, one of the most important gods whose symbolism can be found in every sphere of life. In the orient Herne is closest to the Dravidian Shiva and the Egyptian Set. The word Set derives from a word meaning "Stag," and the horns of Herne were those of the stag which was, along with the serpent, a sacred animal to the Druids. It was from the dawn of time considered a symbol of divinity and royalty. It is mentioned in the earliest Bardic poems, such as that of Amergin.
Several thousand years ago, a highly civilized and cultured people lived happily and abundantly in a paradise near the northern polar regions. All the major religions on earth, of whatever nationality, state emphatically that they were the original five races of mankind. In Judaism and Christianity, we call this paradise Eden. The Hindus call it Uttara Kuru. The Tibetan Buddhists call it Khedar Khand (Country of God Shiva) and Shambala. It was also called Sivariya or Sibirya (Land of God Shiva), now called Siberia. The ancient Greek historians and myths referred to it as Hyperborea. The Chinese Taoists don’t call it by a specific name, but they do describe it as a type of paradise where men lived in complete harmony with Nature - Gene D. Matlock (What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?)
..In my Celtic Druids I have shown that the worship of Buddha is everywhere to be found - in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Hu, the great God of the Welsh, is called Buddwas; and they call their God Budd, the God of victory, the king who rises in light and ascends the sky - Godfrey Higgins (Anacalypsis) Numerous analogies and correspondences with India are to be found in the Celtic and Celto-Iberian religion, which was familiar with the idea of reincarnation, a vegetarian diet, the tree cult and the swastika, a symbol that is found even today on the door-posts of Basque farmhouses. In the Musee Borely at Marseille there are two sitting stone figures, presumably cult idols, dated as originating in the second century BC..Although these figures are headless and believed by scholars to be Celto-Iberian gods, yet they are astonishingly similar to early Buddhist works of art, to bodhisattva sculptures characteristically sitting in the lotus position, with the brahmanic cord over the shoulder and bangles around the neck and upper arms and hands is also reminiscent of the mudras (gestures) in statues of the Buddha - Gruber and Kersten (The Original Jesus) |
The strange "Serpent Mound" discovered near the city of Petra. This mysterious city in Jordan, approximately 80 km from the Dead Sea, known locally as Rekem, was supposed to have been home to the so-called Nabateans. This group was, however, a latecomer to the region, arriving around 500 BC. The mountain were Petra stands is called Mt. Seir (meaning "head" or "sun"). How the precincts, temples, altars, grottos, graves and halls were carved from solid sandstone remains a mystery. The inhabitants of the city clearly dominated the many crucial trade routes which passed through the region. Petra has provided shelter and refuge to various squatting "Semitic" tribes over the centuries, and there are many theories as to the identity of its originators. Interestingly, one of the most spectacular buildings, the so-called "Monastery," is known in Arabic as El Deir, a word phonetically similar to Elder, and which contains the word Deir, signifying the Druid Elders of the West. Another term applying to the site was Shara (from the Temple of Dushares, or the "Pharaoh's Daughter"). This term Shara contains the root hara for "Horus," and also Ara from "Ayra." Ra (in Petra and Shara) was, of course, the sun god of ancient Egypt. Advanced systems of irrigation have been discovered showing that the architects were highly sophisticated. This means that they were Egyptian, Phoenician, or Irish. Megalithic structures in the area bear a likeness to those found in Britain and Ireland. Phoenicians cities in Egypt date from the remotest period, long before the rise of the first dynasties. Although Petra itself dates to a late period, it is built over a more ancient site attributed to a people known suggestively as "Horites." This clue leads us to believe Petra to have been created by the Shemsu Hor, or "Disciples of Horus." These Horites are purportedly the ancestors of the Edomites. Edomite means "red-skinned man."
LEFT: red marks the district of Kerala. RIGHT: Dolmens found in Southern India, at Kerala (a major area of Shiva worship.) These dolmens were erected by Neolithic tribesmen and are clearly modeled on the Irish version.
Hyderabad in the Andhra Pradesh region of Southern India. Dolmens and stone circles of Druidic-Irish type are found in plenty.
In India, at Hyderabad, Mysore, Chota Nagpur, and along the Malabar coast are cromlechs, and all are in proximity to gold mines, Major Nunn, formerly Inspector of Mines in Hyderabad State, found that the prehistoric workings of gold, copper, and iron in that State were worked by a people who erected cromlechs. Professor Percy says that the Megalithic builders in India discovered in Hyderabad and elsewhere iron of such quality that it "practically constituted a natural steel. In fact it was of this iron that Damascus blades were made." In the Salem district of Madras, so famed for its inexhaustible iron, dolmens and stone circles were abound - Comyns Beaumont (The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain)
Approximately eighty menhirs, some as tall as fourteen feet, and several hundred smaller standing stones are scattered across the agricultural fields of Mudumala, in the Mahabubnagar District of Andhra Pradesh. During early 2006, University of Hyderabad historian Dr. K. P. Rao and his team of investigators, with financial assistance from the University Grants Commission, observed several rows of menhirs aligned to the rising and setting of the sun on both sets of solstices and equinoxes - Frank Joseph (Before Atlantis) |
...In the Malay Peninsula and in Burma polished stone implements identical in type with those left behind by the old builders of Megaliths in Western Europe, India, and elsewhere, have been discovered in old gold and tin workings, and especially in the immense gold mines of the province of Pahang of the Malay Peninsula - Professor William James Perry (The Growth of Civilization)

Caroline Island in the Central Pacific Ocean
...Here in Panape there is a great artificial Venice, with quays and breakwaters built out to sea, made of immense limestone blocks of coral...Men who were capable of feats such as recorded by Mr. F. W. Christian in his work on the Caroline Islands, who could build great walls and breakwaters, who could install elaborate irrigation works, were quite capable of civilizing America - Professor William James Perry (The Growth of Civilization)

New Guinea, north of Australia
There are dolmens and other Megalithic monuments. extensive irrigation systems, chiefs calling themselves Children of the Sun who are mummified after death, and other conclusive tokens. This is also the case in Tahiti, on the other side of the Pacific - Professor William James Perry (The Growth of Civilization)
Who were these giants? Professor Perry, unable to claim the Phoenicians as the authors of these maritime adventures...awards the credit to some undefined race in India. Did India introduce cromlechs throughout the British Isles and Scandinavia? Has India ever shown any trace of colonizing or leading the world?...That type of work originated from the Atlantic, and may be retraced to Great Britain and Ireland as the true center of this prehistoric cycle - Comyns Beaumont As to so-called Druidical monuments, no argument can be drawn thence, as to the primary seat of this mysticism, since they are to be seen nearly all over the world - James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894) |

The "Brazilian Stonehenge." The discovery of an ancient astrological observatory in Brazil lends support to the theory that the Amazon rainforest was once home to advanced cultures and large sedentary populations of people. Besides the well-known empires of the Inca and their predecessors, millions of people once lived in the forests and shaped the environment to suit their own needs...The pre-colonial observatory was built of 127 blocks of granite each three meters (10 feet) high, arranged upright and evenly spaced in circles in an open field. The archaeologists do not know yet when the structure was built, but ceramic fragments found nearby suggest that it is between between 500 and 2,000 years old.
The "Turehu" People of New Zealand' were ancient fair-skinned inhabitants, now known to have predated the "native" Maori. (Here and Here for more...)
The Maori were not the first here, and therefore not the indigenous people. Even their own tribal histories acknowledge the previous peoples

Egyptians in America. The findings and research of Augustus Le Plongeon and Barry Fell went unnoticed and unheeded. Now archaeologist and alternative historian Glenn Kimball follows in their footsteps to reveal all that the Smithsonian, and other orgs, don't want us to know concerning the discovery of America. (Here and Here for more...)
Egypt's oldest art identified as 15,000 years old
...unlike anything seen elsewhere in Egypt
Rock face drawings and etchings recently rediscovered in southern Egypt are similar in age and style to the iconic Stone Age cave paintings in Lascaux, France, and Altamira, Spain, archaeologists say..."It is not at all an exaggeration to call it 'Lascaux on the Nile,'" said expedition leader Dirk Huyge, curator of the Egyptian Collection at the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels, Belgium..." Here for more... |

In a surprisingly under-reported story from 2007, Mark Holley, a professor of underwater archaeology at Michigan University College, discovered a series of stones – some of them arranged in a circle and one of which seemed to show carvings of a mastodon – 40-feet beneath the surface waters of Lake Michigan. If verified, the carvings could be as much as 10,000 years old...(click image for more)

The Indian Ocean was once known as the Erythraean Sea, from a word meaning "red." This is not to be confused with the strip of water running between Saudi Arabia and Africa. However, it is interesting that both seas were named "red." Was this because the "red men" or Edomites, that is, the Phoenicians, were the mariners to frequently use these watery lanes, as they traversed the globe? Let us not forget that the root Ery or Eri, refers to the supreme goddess of the Western Arya. (Here for more...)
Dolmens are found throughout the Middle East and Near East, from northern Lebanon to southern Jordan. They are profusely concentrated in a broad area on either side of the Great Rift Valley, primarily on the east, mostly on the Golan Heights and the Hauran. Jordan may own the highest number of dolmens in the Middle East; Saudi Arabia, in the Hejaz, has the least; and Yemen not many more. About ten miles from the Sea of Galilee’s eastern coast, hundreds of dolmens cover the middle of a large plateau. The walls of some are perforated with the same kind of precisely cut portal found more commonly at Russian dolmens in the Western Caucasian Mountains. Among those in the Syrian region of the Golan Heights is a formation of more than 42,000 rocks arranged in concentric rings 8 feet and 6.6 feet high, 520 feet across, enclosing a mound 65 feet wide. Growing progressively thinner as they near the center, the four embankments are composed of 37,500 metric tons of partly worked basalt. Their northeast entrance follows a 20-foot-long accessway to the circles’ midpoint, where a post mounted atop the 15-foot-high tumulus was oriented to sunrise of the summer solstice around the turn of the fourth millennium BCE. This alignment helped investigators determine the age of Rujm el-Hiri, a name referring to the Rephaim. This was a race of “giants,” tall megalith-builders exterminated by invading Israelites on orders of Yahweh to seize “the promised land” from its original inhabitants in the Golan Heights - Frank Joseph (Before Atlantis)
. . .
Oldest Ruins are Western
Irish in America Before Columbus
Underground Complex in Armagh
Recent Discoveries at Stonehenge
1,000 Ancient Sites Found in Scotland
World's Oldest Calendar Discovered (in Scotland)
The Ancient Temple of the Orkneys (Northwest)
Sunken Structures Discovered off Orkney Islands (Beaumont Vindicated)
Orcadian Stones of the Orkney Islands
Orkney's Ancient Ruins Baffle Experts
The Baltic (Swedish) Atlantis
Tumulus Culture
World's Oldest Observatory (Germany)
Neolithic Sites in Europe
Glauberg Ruins
Temples of Malta
The Nebra Sky Disk
The Celts in New Zealand
Mysterious Australia (Rex Gilroy)
Lemuria and New Zealand
Ancient Celtic New Zealand
History of Australia Revised
The Arya of Tiawan
Jomon Civilization of Japan
Anatolian (Turkey) Ruins Predate Pyramids 1
Anatolian (Turkey) Ruins Predate Pyramids 2
Canadian Stonehenge 5,000 Years Old
Ukrainian Civilization over 20,000 Years Old
Ukrainian Pyramids Predate Giza
Ancient Ukrainian Civilization
Ancient Civilization Discovered at the Bottom of Lake Issyk Kul
Neolithic Civilizations in Europe Predate Egypt and Sumeria
The Giant Pyramids of Europe
Romanian Pyramids
Slovenia Megaliths Blast Official History
Turkey's Megaliths: Were they Native?
Eden in Turkey
Huge Canaanite Wall Found in Jerusalem
The Scythians (the Saka and Getes) and their Movement Eastward
Charles Berlitz on the Western Origins (a PDF)
Ancient Hunting Tools Confound Conventional History of Britain
Ireland's Stonehenge
Knowth and Dowth
Huge Pre-Stonehenge Complex Found
Lost City of Britain Found Beneath the Waves
Shell Grove, Margate
Troy in England
Kamari Kandam, Indus Valley, Lost Land Bridges, Malta, etc.
Celtic America
Ancient European Skeleton in Wyoming
American Discovered over 50,000 Years Ago
Irish Ogham Found in Utah
Vikings in America
America and Atlantis
Canada's Stonehenge
The Ruins Beneath Lake Michigan, 10,000 Years Old
The Mines of Michigan
Ancient African Megaliths 80,000 Years Old
Lascaux in France: 16,000 Years Old
Largest Monoliths in the World
The Bryges and Phrygians of the Balkans
Irish in America Before Columbus
Underground Complex in Armagh
Recent Discoveries at Stonehenge
1,000 Ancient Sites Found in Scotland
World's Oldest Calendar Discovered (in Scotland)
The Ancient Temple of the Orkneys (Northwest)
Sunken Structures Discovered off Orkney Islands (Beaumont Vindicated)
Orcadian Stones of the Orkney Islands
Orkney's Ancient Ruins Baffle Experts
The Baltic (Swedish) Atlantis
Tumulus Culture
World's Oldest Observatory (Germany)
Neolithic Sites in Europe
Glauberg Ruins
Temples of Malta
The Nebra Sky Disk
The Celts in New Zealand
Mysterious Australia (Rex Gilroy)
Lemuria and New Zealand
Ancient Celtic New Zealand
History of Australia Revised
The Arya of Tiawan
Jomon Civilization of Japan
Anatolian (Turkey) Ruins Predate Pyramids 1
Anatolian (Turkey) Ruins Predate Pyramids 2
Canadian Stonehenge 5,000 Years Old
Ukrainian Civilization over 20,000 Years Old
Ukrainian Pyramids Predate Giza
Ancient Ukrainian Civilization
Ancient Civilization Discovered at the Bottom of Lake Issyk Kul
Neolithic Civilizations in Europe Predate Egypt and Sumeria
The Giant Pyramids of Europe
Romanian Pyramids
Slovenia Megaliths Blast Official History
Turkey's Megaliths: Were they Native?
Eden in Turkey
Huge Canaanite Wall Found in Jerusalem
The Scythians (the Saka and Getes) and their Movement Eastward
Charles Berlitz on the Western Origins (a PDF)
Ancient Hunting Tools Confound Conventional History of Britain
Ireland's Stonehenge
Knowth and Dowth
Huge Pre-Stonehenge Complex Found
Lost City of Britain Found Beneath the Waves
Shell Grove, Margate
Troy in England
Kamari Kandam, Indus Valley, Lost Land Bridges, Malta, etc.
Celtic America
Ancient European Skeleton in Wyoming
American Discovered over 50,000 Years Ago
Irish Ogham Found in Utah
Vikings in America
America and Atlantis
Canada's Stonehenge
The Ruins Beneath Lake Michigan, 10,000 Years Old
The Mines of Michigan
Ancient African Megaliths 80,000 Years Old
Lascaux in France: 16,000 Years Old
Largest Monoliths in the World
The Bryges and Phrygians of the Balkans
Roman Cities Designed on Astrological Grids
The Geomantic Links between Vatican and Hajia St. Sophia
Pyramid of Peace at Astana
The Ogham Alphabet
Ley Lines, Geomancy and Thomas Jefferson
Augustus Le Plongeon
Alexander Thom
Alfred Watkins
Thor Heyerdahl
Barry Fell
David Hatcher Childress
Before the Pyramids (Book)
Before Atlantis (Book)
Library Page
The Geomantic Links between Vatican and Hajia St. Sophia
Pyramid of Peace at Astana
The Ogham Alphabet
Ley Lines, Geomancy and Thomas Jefferson
Augustus Le Plongeon
Alexander Thom
Alfred Watkins
Thor Heyerdahl
Barry Fell
David Hatcher Childress
Before the Pyramids (Book)
Before Atlantis (Book)
Library Page